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The Complete Guide to Competitive Analysis for Language Schools
Marketing 101, Other, Sales Karolina Musielak Marketing 101, Other, Sales Karolina Musielak

The Complete Guide to Competitive Analysis for Language Schools

When you want to grow your business, you can’t ignore your competitive landscape. Whether you’re deciding on what courses to offer in your school, the pricing or marketing strategy, it is crucial to look around and find out what others in the industry are doing.

Competitive analysis allows you to figure out what are your strengths and areas to grow!

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Language School Guide to the Metaverse: The Basics You Need to Know
Social Media, Other Karolina Musielak Social Media, Other Karolina Musielak

Language School Guide to the Metaverse: The Basics You Need to Know

You’ve probably heard about Facebook rebranding to Meta. But have you heard about the metaverse and why they think it’s the future of the Internet? We all know how much the Internet and then social media changed the way we do business and marketing, so maybe it’s time to learn about the next digital revolution and think how you can get ahead of everyone else and use new solutions?

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How To Create A Marketing Strategy For A Language School, How It Can Help You Strengthen Your Brand, Boost Enrollment, And More
Marketing 101, Social Media, Email Marketing, Sales Karolina Musielak Marketing 101, Social Media, Email Marketing, Sales Karolina Musielak

How To Create A Marketing Strategy For A Language School, How It Can Help You Strengthen Your Brand, Boost Enrollment, And More

Having a marketing strategy for your language school will help you avoid wasting money on random and ineffective marketing actions. It will also make it easier to control your social media and email marketing campaigns (aiming to achieve your sales goals).

You might think that creating a strategy is a lot of work, that you don’t have time for it right now and that you can just “wing it” for now. However – spending this additional time and energy on planning now will reap the benefits for you in the near future.

Keep reading to find out WHAT exactly is a marketing strategy, and HOW you can create one for your school! 🤓

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The Complete Guide to Marketing Cycles for Language Schools and How to Use Them Effectively
Marketing 101, Social Media, Email Marketing, Sales Karolina Musielak Marketing 101, Social Media, Email Marketing, Sales Karolina Musielak

The Complete Guide to Marketing Cycles for Language Schools and How to Use Them Effectively

If you are like most of the language schools, you are always in the search for new students. But trying to sell your courses all the time can be a mistake, and it even can backfire and make them run away from you, before you’ll actually be able to show them how valuable is your offer.

That happens because no one likes the annoying salesman! In order to make people to trust and bond with you – which will give you a higher conversion rate – you need to follow some marketing cycles. So, keep reading, because that is what we will talk about in this article! 😉

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How To Choose The Right Advertising Channel For Your Language School
Social Media, Other, Sales Karolina Musielak Social Media, Other, Sales Karolina Musielak

How To Choose The Right Advertising Channel For Your Language School

If you’re like most of the language schools, then you’re always looking for a better way to advertise your courses. But sometimes it seems like there’s a lot of money invested without getting new students enrolling.

Good news: here we will tell you how to choose the advertising platforms wisely, considering your goals, your audience, and your budget.

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How to Optimize Your Language School’s Website for SEO Success
Marketing 101, Website, Sales Karolina Musielak Marketing 101, Website, Sales Karolina Musielak

How to Optimize Your Language School’s Website for SEO Success

SEO means Search Engine Optimization, and it is the process of improving the ranking of a website in search engine results. It means that by following some good practices (that we will teach you here 😉) you can get your content high on top on Google (or other platforms) when someone searches for a language school like yours!

This article covers the basics of SEO for language schools, so if you’re struggling to wrap your head around the whole idea – we’re here to help you out!

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Are expats hesitant to enroll in language courses this summer?
Sales Karolina Musielak Sales Karolina Musielak

Are expats hesitant to enroll in language courses this summer?

This summer, we might see a dip in sales. It turns out that a lot of expats are up to a stressful summer and are not interested in learning languages.

We conducted market research for you and bring you the results together with some ideas on how to work around the most common objections.

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The 3 strategic marketing documents every language school for expats needs to have
Marketing 101 Karolina Musielak Marketing 101 Karolina Musielak

The 3 strategic marketing documents every language school for expats needs to have

If there’s one thing we marketers need to succeed, it’s clear goals. Without that – we’re just shooting blinds, hoping for the best.

Of course it can get pretty overwhelming to figure out what are all the documents you need to prepare in order for your marketing team or person to hit your business goals. So we thought we’d share with you our top three strategic marketing documents for any expat language school.

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The new competitive landscape in language learning for expats
Other, Sales Karolina Musielak Other, Sales Karolina Musielak

The new competitive landscape in language learning for expats

Pandemic and its consequences have been changing the language learning market for a while now. It might be difficult to pick just one word to describe their impact but it's undeniable that significant changes have been happening all around you.

Let’s have a look at them and discover the beneficial sides of your new competitive landscape!

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