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Optimizing Your Language School's Link in The Bio for Instagram Success
Social Media, Sales Karolina Musielak Social Media, Sales Karolina Musielak

Optimizing Your Language School's Link in The Bio for Instagram Success

Running an Instagram account may help you boost your sales, but to maximize the results you need to think about how and where you want to direct people from your profile. A good idea is to use a link in your profile’s bio. But instead of linking to your home page you should consider a typical landing page or a special ‘link in bio’ landing page.

Today we’ll show you some benefits of using a link in your bio and how to optimize it to squeeze the maximum value out of your Instagram traffic!

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The Complete Guide to Competitive Analysis for Language Schools
Marketing 101, Other, Sales Karolina Musielak Marketing 101, Other, Sales Karolina Musielak

The Complete Guide to Competitive Analysis for Language Schools

When you want to grow your business, you can’t ignore your competitive landscape. Whether you’re deciding on what courses to offer in your school, the pricing or marketing strategy, it is crucial to look around and find out what others in the industry are doing.

Competitive analysis allows you to figure out what are your strengths and areas to grow!

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The Difference Between Marketing Funnel and Sales Funnel and Why They're Important for Language Schools
Marketing 101, Sales Karolina Musielak Marketing 101, Sales Karolina Musielak

The Difference Between Marketing Funnel and Sales Funnel and Why They're Important for Language Schools

Marketing and sales are complementary – one doesn’t work without the other. And any business, your language school included, needs both to get customers! This is why you need a marketing and sales funnel to make sure you guide as many people as possible from being complete strangers to becoming your recurrent students!

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The Difference Between Marketing, Content And Social Media Strategy: A Guide For Language Businesses
Marketing 101, Social Media, Sales Karolina Musielak Marketing 101, Social Media, Sales Karolina Musielak

The Difference Between Marketing, Content And Social Media Strategy: A Guide For Language Businesses

In this article, we summarize the webinar we held with called “The Difference Between Marketing, Content And Social Media Strategy: A Guide For Language Businesses”.

Using the metaphor of a three-layered cake, we’ll show you how those three strategies are dependent on each other and how, in fact, uncomplicated it is to create such documents for your language business.

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The Ultimate Guide to Landing Pages for Language Schools (and How They Can Help You with Your Marketing)
Marketing 101, Social Media, Email Marketing, Website, Sales Karolina Musielak Marketing 101, Social Media, Email Marketing, Website, Sales Karolina Musielak

The Ultimate Guide to Landing Pages for Language Schools (and How They Can Help You with Your Marketing)

Do you ever think about how to turn people viewing your website from one-time visitors to future students? People may wander around and check out all the different tabs and pictures but at the end, will they try out your courses, or will they forget about you and move on with their life? This is where landing pages come in.

If you want to find out what landing pages are and how to create one for your language school, keep reading!

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The Language School Content Strategy Guide: How to Build a Content Strategy for Your School?
Marketing 101, Social Media, Email Marketing, Sales Karolina Musielak Marketing 101, Social Media, Email Marketing, Sales Karolina Musielak

The Language School Content Strategy Guide: How to Build a Content Strategy for Your School?

Do you spend a lot of time producing content for your social media and feel that it gives you none or a low return? Or maybe your sales are low and you think that you might be sending mixed messages and confusing your potential students?

You need to create a content strategy! It will help you to achieve your school’s goals, by being deeply rooted in your marketing strategy.

Did we manage to catch your attention? Keep reading to find out HOW to build a content strategy for your school! 👷‍♀️👷‍♂️😉

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How To Create A Marketing Strategy For A Language School, How It Can Help You Strengthen Your Brand, Boost Enrollment, And More
Marketing 101, Social Media, Email Marketing, Sales Karolina Musielak Marketing 101, Social Media, Email Marketing, Sales Karolina Musielak

How To Create A Marketing Strategy For A Language School, How It Can Help You Strengthen Your Brand, Boost Enrollment, And More

Having a marketing strategy for your language school will help you avoid wasting money on random and ineffective marketing actions. It will also make it easier to control your social media and email marketing campaigns (aiming to achieve your sales goals).

You might think that creating a strategy is a lot of work, that you don’t have time for it right now and that you can just “wing it” for now. However – spending this additional time and energy on planning now will reap the benefits for you in the near future.

Keep reading to find out WHAT exactly is a marketing strategy, and HOW you can create one for your school! 🤓

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The Complete Guide to Marketing Cycles for Language Schools and How to Use Them Effectively
Marketing 101, Social Media, Email Marketing, Sales Karolina Musielak Marketing 101, Social Media, Email Marketing, Sales Karolina Musielak

The Complete Guide to Marketing Cycles for Language Schools and How to Use Them Effectively

If you are like most of the language schools, you are always in the search for new students. But trying to sell your courses all the time can be a mistake, and it even can backfire and make them run away from you, before you’ll actually be able to show them how valuable is your offer.

That happens because no one likes the annoying salesman! In order to make people to trust and bond with you – which will give you a higher conversion rate – you need to follow some marketing cycles. So, keep reading, because that is what we will talk about in this article! 😉

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How To Choose The Right Advertising Channel For Your Language School
Social Media, Other, Sales Karolina Musielak Social Media, Other, Sales Karolina Musielak

How To Choose The Right Advertising Channel For Your Language School

If you’re like most of the language schools, then you’re always looking for a better way to advertise your courses. But sometimes it seems like there’s a lot of money invested without getting new students enrolling.

Good news: here we will tell you how to choose the advertising platforms wisely, considering your goals, your audience, and your budget.

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How to Optimize Your Language School’s Website for SEO Success
Marketing 101, Website, Sales Karolina Musielak Marketing 101, Website, Sales Karolina Musielak

How to Optimize Your Language School’s Website for SEO Success

SEO means Search Engine Optimization, and it is the process of improving the ranking of a website in search engine results. It means that by following some good practices (that we will teach you here 😉) you can get your content high on top on Google (or other platforms) when someone searches for a language school like yours!

This article covers the basics of SEO for language schools, so if you’re struggling to wrap your head around the whole idea – we’re here to help you out!

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Email Marketing Basics: The Language School's Guide to Building an Email List
Marketing 101, Email Marketing, Sales Karolina Musielak Marketing 101, Email Marketing, Sales Karolina Musielak

Email Marketing Basics: The Language School's Guide to Building an Email List

Email marketing has the highest ROI (Return Over Investment) among all the other marketing activities (like blogging and social media). It is cheaper and easier to use. So, if you build an email list and learn how to use it properly, you can start enjoying its power to bring in new students and attract the old ones back to your school!

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Help your language school enter the B2B market
Sales Karolina Musielak Sales Karolina Musielak

Help your language school enter the B2B market

Modern language schools have been customized and diversified to meet the differing needs of a range of clients. A one-size-fits-all approach does not work anymore. Customers expect service providers to be flexible, adaptable and ready to provide what the market requests. So, how can your language school enter the B2B market?

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Are expats hesitant to enroll in language courses this summer?
Sales Karolina Musielak Sales Karolina Musielak

Are expats hesitant to enroll in language courses this summer?

This summer, we might see a dip in sales. It turns out that a lot of expats are up to a stressful summer and are not interested in learning languages.

We conducted market research for you and bring you the results together with some ideas on how to work around the most common objections.

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Adapt or cease to exist. Reinventing your school for the new market [PART 1]
Other, Sales Karolina Musielak Other, Sales Karolina Musielak

Adapt or cease to exist. Reinventing your school for the new market [PART 1]

Have you ever wondered why some companies, brands, or projects die when the big changes come, and others find themselves successful at the very same time? Obviously, it isn’t a matter of luck but of seeing opportunities in potential obstacles and of sensing the right timing for implementing new ideas.

It's all about ADAPTING your business.

Let’s discover what it takes to be successful in the adaptation of your school to the new market!

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The Surprising Case Study Of How One Language School Doubled Their Database Of Potential Clients With Just One Event (SCREENSHOTS!)
Email Marketing, Sales Karolina Musielak Email Marketing, Sales Karolina Musielak

The Surprising Case Study Of How One Language School Doubled Their Database Of Potential Clients With Just One Event (SCREENSHOTS!)

If you’ve ever tried to fill up your classrooms, then you know it’s not something that happens overnight. In fact, a lot of people who try to advertise their classes just with social media ads and lowering their prices never succeed. Sure, sometimes they make progress for a while, such as reaching the targets for the upcoming semester, but eventually, the traffic stops coming in…

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Why are your Facebook Ads not performing?
Social Media, Sales Karolina Musielak Social Media, Sales Karolina Musielak

Why are your Facebook Ads not performing?

Some people might be telling you how Facebook or Instagram ads will save your business.

We say: Facebook ads is not the place to start – great marketing is definitely not only about spending money and targeting. You need to have a place to send people over. Start with the end in mind - you'll work out the technical details once you'll know EXACTLY what you want your campaign to do for your business.

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The new competitive landscape in language learning for expats
Other, Sales Karolina Musielak Other, Sales Karolina Musielak

The new competitive landscape in language learning for expats

Pandemic and its consequences have been changing the language learning market for a while now. It might be difficult to pick just one word to describe their impact but it's undeniable that significant changes have been happening all around you.

Let’s have a look at them and discover the beneficial sides of your new competitive landscape!

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How did the pandemic affect your January sales?
Other, Sales Karolina Musielak Other, Sales Karolina Musielak

How did the pandemic affect your January sales?

There’s something unfolding in the language learning industry that every language school owner ought to know about. Specifically, why on earth do your sales drop down so significantly compared to last year?!

We have identified 8 reasons why expats are not signing up for language courses in January 2021.

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