The new competitive landscape in language learning for expats

Pandemic and its consequences have been changing the language learning market for a while now. It might be difficult to pick just one word to describe their impact but it's undeniable that significant changes have been happening all around you. 

In most places, in-person classes are not an option due to safety measures and many students are, surprisingly, choosing online classes even when the in-person ones are finally available for them. Online and blended learning has been around for a while and has had a profound effect on language learning for expats.

Expat Language Consulting – we’re a digital marketing agency for expat language schools. We’re here to help you to skyrocket your business without the stress and overwhelm. Lay back and let us do the job for you.
Has the language learning market gone through a revolution due to Ms. Rona's influence? I’m not sure whether revolution is the right term or maybe transformation would be a better one but you know it all too well that MANY changes happened and they …

New global competition

Freelance teachers and schools from all over the world

Since everything has gone online, your potential client can take classes in any country of the world. There might be several reasons for that:

  • Courses might be cheaper there.

  • Lessons might be easier if the new language is presented in their mother tongue.

  • The other school might have a more appealing brand/ website/ learning platform.

Furthermore, people might choose a school in a completely different part of the world just because you can't offer them the additional perks that were your superpower until now, like getting to know the city or meeting fellow expats.


  • Take a look at your online presence. Your website, social media. Are you painting the best possible picture of your school?

  • Can you honestly say that your teaching platform is the best possible choice you can afford? If yes - make sure that all of your teachers know how to use it to its fullest potential!

  • Don't try to compete on price - a teenager from a remote village with Internet access doesn't have the same overhead costs as yours... Focus on providing something extra, create experiences worth the investment!


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Language learning apps & online, self-paced courses

Apps for learning languages are definitely becoming more and more popular and they might be an easy way to kill boredom in the lockdown. . Additionally, they're cheaper than taking a course, so people who were skeptical about Babbel or Duolingo might be checking them out now.

Over 30 million new people started learning a language on Duolingo in the weeks following the outbreak of the pandemic.
— Duolingo: language learning lockdown hobby, The Pie News*

Moreover, there are online courses that people can take at their own pace. They could be an interesting option especially for people busy taking care of their kids 24/7 (since the daycare might not be available) or working long hours in the home office. That way they might be able to study a bit at any time available - if they still have any willpower left by that time that is 🤷‍♂️😉

Sure, those ways of learning a language can not substitute a real interaction with the teacher and other students. However, many people are too overwhelmed with their daily routine and they might prefer to limit the time spent on language learning to the minimum.


  • Are you able to jump on the trend of self-paced learning? Creating a full-blown online course is a tremendous undertaking, but maybe you are able to release some smaller lessons that are revolving around specific topics?

    The strategic angle here is that you’re still creating relationships with your students, and you might invite them into live online or in-person classes once they’re ready to go back to these methods of learning.

  • Since people are already using the language apps and online courses, maybe you can consider using the power of affiliate marketing?

    The general idea is that you’re joining the affiliate program of the app or course creator that aligns with your own methods and you promote their product. You don’t have to create your own course or app, but you’re still getting a commission for every person that signs up with your link.

Corona’s impact on advertising and selling

Pandemic hasn’t only changed the playground when it comes to your competitors but also the ways you are advertising and selling your courses.

Small groups & great locations are not selling points anymore. Not at all, really. Everyone has been using those arguments for years and they don’t make you stand out on the market at this point.

The costs of online advertising have gone through the roof, with Facebook being one of the most expensive ways to market your business.

The quality of online ads is increasing to the point, where a picture or a video of your happy students might not be enough to stop someone from scrolling on anymore… The social media feed of your competitors (and- basically - everyone who’s using social media for marketing) are becoming more and more curated, which means that in order to actually convince someone to choose your offer you might need to invest in professional graphic and/or design.


  • Remember, expats might feel especially lonely now. They crave community and a sense of belonging. Can you provide that to them? Yes? Congratulations, this might be your strongest selling point!

  • Don’t forget, this is also a great opportunity for you to pull in students from other parts of the city, country and even from abroad! We’re in a global online learning reality right now, make an advantage out of it and broaden your target audience.

  • Consider other, more effective, and less saturated forms of online advertising. Read this article: How To Choose the right advertising channel for your language school.


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How can you take advantage of this shift in the language learning market?

Hey, don’t panic! All of that might sound like a lot but we’ve promised to give you some tips on how to adjust to the new reality of language learning for expats. These are actions you should consider: 

  • Focus on creating a strong online presence for your school.

  • Think of how to create a great learning experience in those new circumstances.

  • Invest in your teachers and their online skills (and please, take it seriously - don’t assume everyone has the same level of digital fluency).

  • Learn as much about your teaching platform of choice as you can.

  • Clean up your website, focus on providing value on your social media channels and on building your email list.

  • Create a strong brand that will pull in your ideal students, no matter where they live.

  • Figure out how to create a community and sense of belonging for your students. Facebook groups, online events - anything that will help your students connect outside of the classroom will work magic for your image (and sales)!

  • Get professional help in areas where you need it, don’t waste your time trying to figure everything out by yourself. It gives your competitors the time to move faster than you!

    Ask for help with your marketing, advertising, graphic design, the technical side of setting up your teaching platforms, accounting, etc. You get the idea 😉

Keeping our fingers crossed for all of you out there who wish to grow your businesses even in those turbulent times! 🤞

Stay strong and safe! 💛

*You can read more about that topic in this article: Duolingo: language learning lockdown hobby


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Karolina Musielak

I’m a marketing, brand, business and strategy consultant. For over 10 years I was helping NGOs and small businesses to organize, promote and grow their companies. Currently, I help language schools for expats so that they can attract their dream customers, get sustainable revenue and introduce innovation to their offer and income streams.

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