The 3 strategic marketing documents every language school for expats needs to have

If there’s one thing we marketers need to succeed, it’s clear goals. Without that – we’re just shooting blinds, hoping for the best.

Of course it can get pretty overwhelming to figure out what are all the documents you need to prepare in order for your marketing team or person to hit your business goals. So we thought we’d share with you our top three strategic marketing documents for any expat language school.

These are the exact same documents we use every time we work with our clients, so we think you’ll find this list helpful.

Take a look…

Pin this text. Expat Language Consulting – we are a real-life and digital marketing agency for language schools. We know how to create a strong brand for a language school, how to develop your business strategy and help you scale your business so yo…
If there’s one thing we marketers need to succeed, it’s clear goals. Without that – we’re just shooting blinds, hoping for the best.Of course it can get pretty overwhelming to figure out what are all the documents you need to prepare in order for yo…

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Buyer persona/ Client avatar

This is hands-down the place to start to get your marketing ducks in a row. That’s because if you don’t know whom you’re talking to – you don’t know what to say, where to say it and how to say it, for the mentioned IT to stick.

Some people don’t like creating buyer personas because they use outdated tools and information available all over the internet, which makes the whole process, in full honesty, pointless and just a massive waste of time.

I know a lot of people who have followed the online instructions and created the “Joyful Joanne’s” and “Lawyer Larry’s” – an imaginary expat they would love to have as a student… And they have wasted their time on a document that has absolutely no value in the real world.

But if you base your description on research, data, and surveys, you’ll find out why we preach that a buyer persona is the cornerstone of all of your marketing efforts.

PS. For best results make sure to create a customer journey for each of your avatars. This will help a lot in your next steps!


Save up to 4 hours a week on content creation and increase student enrollments!

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  1. creating a full, professional content strategy

  2. facing creative blocks

  3. feeling the need to copy their competitors

So if you want a crystal clear and predictable roadmap to help you get more students, look no further!

Marketing strategy

Once you have your well-researched client avatar you can create a marketing plan for the upcoming 12 months.

This document is where your business plan meets your buyer persona. This is where you define how to reach your sales goals, ensure student retention, expansion, increase brand awareness – whatever your goals for the upcoming 12 months are!

Want really great results? Then be sure to include here a data-based competitive analysis, a short description of your sales funnels, and divide it into well-thought-out marketing cycles. Make sure to add around two creative marketing actions to your plan!

And best of all, once you’ll have your marketing plan set to go – you won’t feel frazzled in your communication ever again. From now on every single month, you will know exactly what the marketing goal is and how to reach it. Ta-dam! 🥳


A quarterly social media plan

If you don’t want to:

  • struggle each month with your social media content

  • produce random graphics that bring no value or sales

  • invest in ads that might or might not bring you more sales/ visibility

you should really consider creating yourself a social media plan.

You’ll find that once you have both your marketing plan and buyer persona – creating a social media plan that actually makes sense is not that difficult at all.

However, the only perceived problem with having a social media plan is that the nature of social media itself is everchanging. That’s not a deal-breaker, though. All you have to do to get around this “problem” is to create a quarterly plan rooted deeply in your marketing and business goals and combine that with monthly social media reports. That way you will avoid running around chasing the newest trends, you’ll keep your eyes on the target and you will ensure that your audience is responding well to what you’re creating.

Now let’s wrap things up…



You want to enroll more students, and do so constantly, right? Then be sure to create the three strategic documents mentioned above.

These documents, even though they require quite a lot of work upfront, are sure to save you time and money on your marketing efforts in the long run. Invest some time into creating strategic, long-term marketing – you’ll be glad you did.


The Hassle-Free Content Templates For Expat Language Schools

Instead of spending days, weeks, months, or even YEARS searching, clicking, and scrambling to put together all the pieces required for your social media success, you can follow a proven system, roadmap, or path from Point A to Point B.

This is what our Hassle-Free Content Templates For Expat Language Schools provide: the exact formula you need to get where you want to go with little to no overwhelm or information overload.


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Karolina Musielak

I’m a marketing, brand, business and strategy consultant. For over 10 years I was helping NGOs and small businesses to organize, promote and grow their companies. Currently, I help language schools for expats so that they can attract their dream customers, get sustainable revenue and introduce innovation to their offer and income streams.

How to build your client avatar to improve your sales and marketing strategies (expat language school edition)


The top social media management mistakes almost every language school makes (including a FREE weekly plan!)