We turn great language schools into amazing brands by day and fight the marketing misinformation by night 💪

We’re a marketing agency created specifically to help language schools. We think strategically. We act creatively. We understand the business reality. And we’re great to work with 😎

Our mission:

We help language schools to simplify and untangle their marketing so that they have time to teach languages, expand people’s horizons and create communities.

Who are we, might you ask?

ELC was forged in the fires of the pandemic: founded in November 2020 by Karolina – an experienced marketing consultant for small and medium businesses.

Our team is not set in stone – we have talented and creative heroes living all over the world that have experience not only in marketing and sales, but also in visual arts, statistics, social justice, and biochemistry!


Why on earth, you might ask again? 🤯

Well, that’s simple – when we work on your marketing we tackle a lot of different matters, like:

  • intercultural competencies,

  • collecting and analyzing data from your previous students,

  • matching your voice, visuals, offer & even the way your school smells with your clients’ needs,

  • and explaining complicated ideas in the simplest possible way (hence: biochemistry 😉)

Every single person that is invited to our team first works on our internal tasks. That way they are tried and trusted if they join your project 🥰


We choose freedom

Freedom is very important for us – which is why we are setting you free from marketers who “keep their secrets” and we give you all the tools you need.

But - we also keep your costs low by working with people who choose their freedom (they are freelancers). That way you don’t pay a high overhead for our daily operations.

Obviously, everyone is paid fairly for their work – we stand strongly against exploitation 💪

 Do you feel like your school could use some marketing superheroes?

Our values:

Here at ELC, we work exclusively for and with good people. We do not lend our superpowers to evil! 💪

We educate ourselves on the topics of inclusivity and accessibility all the time. We improve and adjust every aspect of ELC, and the client work we provide on an ongoing basis.

We do not work with clients who display any disrespectful behaviours towards any communities (why yes, we do research our potential clients BEFORE we even jump on a call – so if you join our client list you’re in the best company 😉).


Every person invited to our team is informed about and agrees with our values around human rights, freedom of expression, and overall inclusivity. We are a global team and we do pay special attention to racial, social, gender, and LGBTQ+ inclusion when hiring.


Your agency (control over actions and their consequences) is very important to us. We have a strong stand on giving you full knowledge and power over your marketing. You make your own decisions, we work as your partners and advisors. We do not pressure you into anything, any time we suggest a marketing solution we do our research and ensure your best interest. We present you with the options and discuss the compatibility of our proposal with your needs, beliefs, abilities, and overall vision.


We do our best to research the companies we use in our daily operations. We try to support only the companies that share our values. To put our money where our mouth is – we literally chose the bank not based on their rates, but on their ethics in social, cultural, and environmental fields – SNS.

(Read the Amnesty International report about Dutch banks here)


We respect your budget and capacity. You can step away and come back at any time. We do not make you dependent on us at absolutely any point. After every project we finish together you can step away with new marketing tools you can start using immediately on your own. We do not hide knowledge from you, and you are welcome to come back if you decide to when the time is right for you.

Feels like we could be friends?

Make sure to reach out and say hello or poke us with a like over on Instagram, LinkedIn, or Facebook! 🥰


Do we seem like a match?

We’ll be more than happy to meet you and see whether we are the best solution for you! 😎

👉 Check out our offer

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Frequently asked questions

Can I start using your services immediately?

In most cases yes, however, there might be some waiting time in our exceptionally busy seasons. Please choose the service you’d like to use from our offer and send us an application form. We’ll get back to you in no time 🥰

Not sure what you need, but you know you need US? Schedule a free discovery call and let’s discuss whether we’re a match - click here.

Do you do paid advertising/ social media management/ community management?

No. It is our strong belief, that your daily social media management should be done by someone who is a part of your school (like one of the teachers, support staff members, or students). We also strongly believe that jumping straight into paid advertising is not a good use of money for most small and medium schools. And in the cases where it is – we do not take on tasks where we cannot ensure your solid results (and we cannot promise you any solid results from paid advertising, there are too many variables). We can provide your chosen person with proper training and advice, check out our consultation packages for more details.

What does the process look like? Where do we meet to discuss the projects or for you to deliver the results?

All the work we provide is digital - we meet on Skype or Zoom, we deliver all the materials virtually, via email, or file-sharing services. No need to buy your plane tickets or find that parking spot. Unless you want to meet face-to-face: in that case feel more than invited. Rotterdam is absolutely GORGEOUS in spring 😉🥰