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Language School Guide to the Metaverse: The Basics You Need to Know
Social Media, Other Karolina Musielak Social Media, Other Karolina Musielak

Language School Guide to the Metaverse: The Basics You Need to Know

You’ve probably heard about Facebook rebranding to Meta. But have you heard about the metaverse and why they think it’s the future of the Internet? We all know how much the Internet and then social media changed the way we do business and marketing, so maybe it’s time to learn about the next digital revolution and think how you can get ahead of everyone else and use new solutions?

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The Dark Side of the Olympics and How to Avoid Brand Disaster (Language Schools Edition) + a Free Public Relations Statement
Social Media, Email Marketing, Other Karolina Musielak Social Media, Email Marketing, Other Karolina Musielak

The Dark Side of the Olympics and How to Avoid Brand Disaster (Language Schools Edition) + a Free Public Relations Statement

The Winter Olympics 2022 are coming up, and they're sure to be a hot topic for governments and businesses across the globe.

You might think that an occasion such as the Olympics is low-hanging fruit for content creation for your school - all the vocabulary, national athletes, cultural connections with different sports…

Yeah, well… not really.

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Are expats hesitant to enroll in language courses this summer?
Sales Karolina Musielak Sales Karolina Musielak

Are expats hesitant to enroll in language courses this summer?

This summer, we might see a dip in sales. It turns out that a lot of expats are up to a stressful summer and are not interested in learning languages.

We conducted market research for you and bring you the results together with some ideas on how to work around the most common objections.

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The Surprising Case Study Of How One Language School Doubled Their Database Of Potential Clients With Just One Event (SCREENSHOTS!)
Email Marketing, Sales Karolina Musielak Email Marketing, Sales Karolina Musielak

The Surprising Case Study Of How One Language School Doubled Their Database Of Potential Clients With Just One Event (SCREENSHOTS!)

If you’ve ever tried to fill up your classrooms, then you know it’s not something that happens overnight. In fact, a lot of people who try to advertise their classes just with social media ads and lowering their prices never succeed. Sure, sometimes they make progress for a while, such as reaching the targets for the upcoming semester, but eventually, the traffic stops coming in…

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The new competitive landscape in language learning for expats
Other, Sales Karolina Musielak Other, Sales Karolina Musielak

The new competitive landscape in language learning for expats

Pandemic and its consequences have been changing the language learning market for a while now. It might be difficult to pick just one word to describe their impact but it's undeniable that significant changes have been happening all around you.

Let’s have a look at them and discover the beneficial sides of your new competitive landscape!

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How did the pandemic affect your January sales?
Other, Sales Karolina Musielak Other, Sales Karolina Musielak

How did the pandemic affect your January sales?

There’s something unfolding in the language learning industry that every language school owner ought to know about. Specifically, why on earth do your sales drop down so significantly compared to last year?!

We have identified 8 reasons why expats are not signing up for language courses in January 2021.

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