How to Increase the Success of Your Language School with Content Batching (A 7 Step Formula + a FREE Content Batching Guide)

Creating content for your language school may sometimes feel tiring and stressful. Especially when you constantly need to think of a new idea for a post or a graphic and you often end up scrambling something last minute. A great solution for you might be to try content batching. Not only will it make your work easier, but it will also make your marketing more effective – putting out well thought-through and strategic content will always make more sense than a picture of your coffee or a random quote. Here you can learn what it’s all about and how to do it.

Pinterest pin with article title.

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Why Batch Content Creation for Language Schools?

When you’re running a language school and you try to create content to market and promote your business you might want to consider content batching. Instead of trying to come up with a new graphic, caption or email each time it’s time to post, you can choose to prepare everything beforehand all at once.

It may seem a bit overwhelming at first, because it seems like a lot of work to prepare all that content at one go, but it will actually make taking care of your marketing way more manageable in the long run!

First of all, content batching will free up your time and resources. If you plan to take care of preparing content at one time during a week or a month you gain the rest of the time to take care of other marketing and business activities.

For example, if you want to use photos of your school in your posts and promotional materials, it takes much less time to prepare and shoot them all in one day instead of setting everything up each time you want to post something with a picture!

Secondly, you will finally have a peace of mind! If you’re running your own language school, you probably have a lot of different tasks to take care of. It’s stressful to suddenly remember about a social media post you were supposed to do that day of the week and scramble something last minute! Creating content in batches ensures that you have everything ready to go when you need it. It will help you to stick to your plan of regularly posting and contacting your students.

Thirdly, it helps you to be creative and productive. It probably feels impossible to think of something interesting to say on social media on the spot. But have you ever heard of the ‘flow’? Well, it’s a concept describing how being fully immersed in what you’re doing makes the task feel enjoyable and allows you to be incredibly productive. You can achieve that by sitting down and giving yourself some time to get in the zone and start thinking creatively.

You may not be a fan of social media or the best newsletter writer, but you will be surprised how easy it is to generate ideas and write once you get going.

Finally, you get to decide on the types of content you need to produce based on your marketing and sales goals. Seeing your marketing plan for the entire upcoming month and looking at all the content you will need at one glance will allow you to make sales-focused decisions instead of wasting your time and money on pieces of content that do absolutely nothing for your bottom line – and that is always sales.*

*please note: the goal of your content is to sell, not to give you engagement. Engagement is important for influencers and content creators, because this is how they earn money. Your content needs to move your clients closer to enrolling in your course or booking a lesson with you.


Save up to 4 hours a week on content creation and increase student enrollments!

We’ve created a powerful system for helping language school owners, marketers, and language tutors rapidly speed up their social media content creation process without:

  1. creating a full, professional content strategy

  2. facing creative blocks

  3. feeling the need to copy their competitors

So if you want a crystal clear and predictable roadmap to help you get more students, look no further!


The 7 Step Batching System for Language Schools

Content batching is very simple. Get a piece of paper and get started:

1.1First, take a look at your marketing strategy and content strategy and start with this:

  • write out all upcoming key dates such as awareness days and holidays;

  • decide which marketing cycle you're currently in;

  • write out your content pillars on the right dates on your plan.

2. For each content pillar write down how many pieces of content you’ll need to create.


If you have 5 content pillars and you’re preparing content for a month (posting on social media twice a week, emailing biweekly) you will probably need  8 pieces of social media content and 2 emails this month. Assuming you’re in a befriending marketing cycle - here’s how it might look:

  • 2 x Lifestyle (+ 1 email)

  • 2 x Language Learning

  • 2 x About us (+ 1 email)

  • 1 x Entertainment

  • 1 x Promotion

3. Brainstorm ideas!

  • Look at each pillar and write down topics and ideas that fit into each category.

  • Decide whether your ideal client will find this topic useful and/or interesting.

  • Don’t get overwhelmed by a long list, it gets way easier after the first few points!

4. Look at each idea and choose the best format for it.

  • Will it work best as a video, reel, photo, graphic, blog post, or email?

5. Write all the social media captions before creating the graphics and videos!

  • It will allow you to brainstorm and clarify the ideas before you sit down to create the pictures and prepare videos.

6. While you are writing the captions, write all your emails & blog posts too!

  • A good piece of advice is to start with the email and article body and to go back to the title when you’re finished.

7. Now it’s time to create the visual content.

  • The rule is to create all the same types of content at the same time. So, for example, first, take all the photos, then make all the videos, then graphics, and so on.


Would you like a content batching worksheet that will walk you through the system in a fun and simple way?

You can download it by leaving your email address below:


Conclusion: Save Time, Produce Better Content and Get Sales Results with Content Batching

Content batching is a great solution to optimize the effort you put into your marketing. It saves your precious time and lets you focus on other tasks during the week. At the same time, it ensures that you’re communicating with your potential students regularly and strategically, because everything is well planned out and ready to go, so you can easily stick to a schedule.

It also means that the content you put out there actually makes sense and is valuable to your students because you give yourself time to focus and come up with ideas that fit with your strategy and content pillars.

All that comes down to bringing value to you, because a well-executed marketing strategy means an increase in your sales in the future!


The Hassle-Free Content Templates For Expat Language Schools

Instead of spending days, weeks, months, or even YEARS searching, clicking, and scrambling to put together all the pieces required for your social media success, you can follow a proven system, roadmap, or path from Point A to Point B.

This is what our Hassle-Free Content Templates For Expat Language Schools provide: the exact formula you need to get where you want to go with little to no overwhelm or information overload.


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Karolina Musielak

I’m a marketing, brand, business and strategy consultant. For over 10 years I was helping NGOs and small businesses to organize, promote and grow their companies. Currently, I help language schools for expats so that they can attract their dream customers, get sustainable revenue and introduce innovation to their offer and income streams.

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