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Niche marketing: stand out from the crowd and attract your ideal students
Marketing 101 Karolina Musielak Marketing 101 Karolina Musielak

Niche marketing: stand out from the crowd and attract your ideal students

Let’s drop a cliché: if you do many things at once, you can do them just fine. But when you narrow your focus - the victory will surely be yours.

Our stance is clear: specialization is a great thing both for you and for your students. In this article, we want to explore niche marketing’s ins and outs. We hope to convince you how essential it is to your school’s further development, especially in the madness of the current market of language teaching.

Let’s delve into it!

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Adapt or cease to exist. Reinventing your school for the new market [PART 1]
Other, Sales Karolina Musielak Other, Sales Karolina Musielak

Adapt or cease to exist. Reinventing your school for the new market [PART 1]

Have you ever wondered why some companies, brands, or projects die when the big changes come, and others find themselves successful at the very same time? Obviously, it isn’t a matter of luck but of seeing opportunities in potential obstacles and of sensing the right timing for implementing new ideas.

It's all about ADAPTING your business.

Let’s discover what it takes to be successful in the adaptation of your school to the new market!

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