Do your social profiles open the hearts (and wallets…) of your perfect students?

From conversation sparking social media posts and graphics to heart-warming, money-making emails - we’ll figure it all out!


We’re here to show you that with clever marketing you can have an edge over your competitors - no matter your budget! 😎

Here’s how we can help you with your content strategy:


Content Strategy - Full Service

We’re rolling up our sleeves, ready to take over the creation of your content strategy!

Content Strategy Diagnosis or Consultation

Let’s sit down together and laser-focus on your content strategy.

Content Strategy Workshop

If you’re more of a DIY person - join one of our content strategy workshops, where we walk you through the whole process we go through with our clients.

“With DCR we have always had problems finding the right tone in talking to our potential customers. Karolina immediately had a vision for the school’s communication and branding that appealed to us.”

— Bart van Brummelen, Dutch Courses Rotterdam

Download our pricing guide here:


Here’s how we can help:

Content Strategy - Full Service

  • Strategy session: we’ll meet up and discuss your needs.

  • We'll have a brief look at your current content marketing & social media and website statistics and see what works and what seems like a waste of time and money.

  • We’ll have a look at the content of three of your main competitors (indicated by you), learn from their mistakes, and will get inspired by their successes.

  • Based on your marketing strategy (provided by you) we will decide on up to 5 business and marketing goals for your content creation.

  • Based on your client avatar, niche, and brand voice (provided by you) we will come up with up to 5 content pillars.

  • We'll outline your content calendar for 12 months.

  • We'll define your social media platforms and decide on your lead quality indication.

  • We'll point out your advertising channels and advertisement types to focus on.

  • Together we'll decide on your important dates - holidays, awareness days, festivals, cultural events, etc.

  • BONUS: a set of 15 relevant hashtags.

  • 2 rounds of revisions.

  • BONUS: a sales funnel & a customer journey.

  • Timeline: 4-6 weeks.

How much does it cost? Download our pricing guide here:

Content Strategy Diagnosis or Consultation

If you don’t want us to build your full content strategy, but you’d like us to have a look at your actions, here’s how we can help:

  • Content Diagnosis

    • We'll have a look at three of your current content channels (social media, email marketing, blog) and analyze:

      • your insights (you'll need to provide us with access to your metrics),

      • the content you create (constructive feedback).

    • We’ll have a look at three of your main competitors (indicated by you) and give you suggestions on what they're doing right and which of their mistakes you should avoid.

    • We'll send you a written report with our findings and improvement suggestions.

    • Timeline: 2-4 weeks.

  • Content Strategy Consultation

    • We'll have a look at your content strategy and provide you with feedback and improvement suggestions.

    • Timeline: 2-3 weeks.

How much does it cost? Download our pricing guide here:

Data-Driven Content & Social Media Strategy Workshop

Our two-day live workshop is a mix of live lecturing and hands-on learning where you will get the necessary know-how to analyze your social media presence, experiment with your content marketing, and make sure that it brings you sales in the long run.

Please note: In order to fully benefit from this workshop, we strongly advise you to have your financial/business plan, pricing strategy, and marketing strategy sorted.


DAY 1 (~7-8 hours incl. lunch break and coffee breaks)

  1. Introductions and housekeeping.

  2. Social media and content strategy 101.

  3. Go-to-market.

  4. Which social media platform should you focus on and why?

  5. How to read your stats/analytics + decision on which channels to optimize for & how?

  6. How to calculate the estimated cost of content marketing on different platforms?

  7. Creating your buyer’s journey.

  8. Marketing tactics.

  9. Messaging strategy.

  10. Competitors’ social media analysis.

DAY 2 (~7-8 hours incl. lunch break and coffee breaks)

  1. Keyword & hashtag research.

  2. Competitor keywords & hashtags.

  3. Keyword tree.

  4. Content pillars & other input.

  5. Social media & email marketing plan for 3 months.

  6. Final Q&A session.

  7. Official closing.


  1. A social media & email marketing plan for 3 months.

  2. A data-driven decision on which social media platforms you should invest your time and money in.

  3. A defined go-to-market.

  4. Streamlined social media creation.

  5. Tailor-made buyer's journey.

  6. Cut to fit social media marketing tactics.

  7. Defined messaging strategy.

  8. Deepened knowledge of your competitors' social media strategies.

  9. Keyword & hashtag list.

  10. Competitor's keyword & hashtag list.

  11. A list of school-specific content pillars.


We don’t have any upcoming workshops right now. Would you like to know when we open the door again? Sign up for the waiting list:

Our mission:

We help language schools to simplify and untangle their marketing so that they have time to teach languages and create communities.

Karolina Musielak, Founder of ELC

 The benefits of working with us:

You are the



We are the first branding and marketing agency specializing exclusively in language schools for expats.

We are a fairly young agency, so you're getting a unique chance to get EAONS ahead of your competition.




We operate in a distributed marketing agency model. That means that our operational staff is minimal and we have a wide net of freelance experts that jump on board when there's a project that requires their specific skillset.

That means you're paying for the experts you need, not the ones we have on a payroll!



fresh and


We are constantly testing new solutions and ensuring that every product we give you, will get you closer to your business goals.

We don't create "for likes". We create for sales.




There is absolutely no need for you to coordinate all the developers, graphic designers, social media managers, copywriters, and God-Knows-Who's!

We'll take care of all of your marketing needs, while you can focus on running your school.


Download our pricing guide here:

 The process - what to expect




Not sure where to start? Schedule a free discovery call and let's have a look at your marketing together - click here 🤙



Usually, we sign a contract for each offer mentioned above separately. This gives both us and you time to get to know each other and make sure, that we are a match 🥰


In most cases, we'll begin with a strategy session together. After that you kick back and relax, we do the heavy lifting that needs your presence or help only occasionally.

However - most of our services will require your revisions or feedback on regular basis 😎



Once we have the final draft in hand, we'll ask you to give your closing feedback. We’ll make any final changes, tie a pretty bow on your project and hand it over to you 🎁


We deliver the final products. Usually together with an invoice for the remaining 50%.

You open the champagne and show your new pretty MARKETING THING to all your friends and family🥂


During our final meeting, we discuss whether you still need us or you are ready to fly on your own 🤟


Download our pricing guide here:



Why do I need a content strategy for my social media?

A content strategy helps you to post relevant and engaging content at the right time and place (social media platform). It is an effective way of establishing your presence on social media and it helps your school grow organically by creating a community of (potential) students.

We wrote more about content strategy in this article (click here).

What is a language school for expats?

It is a school that offers native language courses to people who moved from abroad. So a Dutch school in Rotterdam, an Italian school in Milan, a Hindi school in Bangalore, Portuguese courses in São Paulo, etc. You get the idea 😉

Can I start using your services immediately?

In most cases yes, however, there might be some waiting time in our exceptionally busy seasons. Please choose the service you’d like to use from the list above and send us an application form. We’ll start fixing ALL THE THINGS for you in no time 🥰

Not sure what you need, but you know you need it? Schedule a free discovery call with us - click here.

I’m not an owner of a language school for expats, but I work for one. Can I use your services?

Sure thing! As long as you have the authority to make the financial decisions - we’re good to go 😉

I’m not an owner of a language school for expats, but I would really like to use your services!

Unfortunately, that won’t be possible. We work exclusively with language schools and tutoring businesses, providing tailor-made solutions exactly for that type of business. Our focus is so narrow in order to provide our customers with an exceptionally detailed and precise potion to grow.

We don’t want you to waste your money. Please check out our resources page, you might find some other interesting courses and tools that will be more suitable for you.

If you really REALLY like the style of our work though - get in touch and we might be able to refer you to someone with a similar skillset 😊

Can you take over my Facebook/ Instagram/ Google advertising?

No. We don’t take over tasks on which we cannot provide you with tangible effects and clear outcomes.

However - we can prepare your ads and offer our advice on your whole ad process.

Does my school have to offer only the native language in order for you to help me?

No, you can offer a whole range of other languages, and other courses for that matter. We specialize in the market of expats, this is where we shine our brightest, but all of our experts are simply good with marketing. Let’s chat and see whether we can help you out.

What does the process look like? Where do we meet to discuss the projects or for you to deliver the results?

All the work we provide for you is digital - we meet on Skype or Zoom, we deliver all the materials virtually, via email, or file-sharing services. No need to buy your plane tickets or find that parking spot. Unless you want to meet face-to-face: in that case feel more than invited. Rotterdam is absolutely GORGEOUS in spring 😉🥰

Is the price of the additional services included in the price of your courses or 1:1 consultations?

No. You will have to pay additionally for our services if you’ll decide to use them. However, taking any of our courses or private consultations does not mean that you will have to use our services!

Can I commission my social media management/ community management to your team?

No. It is our strong belief, that your daily social media management should be done by someone who is a part of your school (like one of the teachers, support staff members, or students).

We can provide your chosen person with proper training and advice, check out our consultation packages for more details.

Where can I find the prices for your products and services?

You can download our pricing guide here: