Our favorite tools & courses

Below we list our favorite courses and tools we’re using in our own business and in our client work.

Heads up: this page includes affiliate links. If you click and purchase, we may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. We only recommend tools our team members have personally used & love.

Online Presence & Marketing


The ultimate tool to create your professional looking website and landing pages. You don’t need to be a technical genius to create a stunning page and update it with ease. Squarespace will make your life so much better. And their customer service is absolutely amazing!

Canva Pro

You don’t need to hire a graphic designer for every single graphic you want to make. It’s an exceptionally easy online tool, which gives you templates and loads of free images. The pro version allows you to save time and opens up a whole library of additional amazing features.



The best email marketing tool available for small businesses. The free version (up to 1000 subscribers!) allows you to capture email addresses, deliver freebies, and send out professionally looking emails to your list.

Creative Market

There is absolutely no need for you to struggle with your graphics. Creative Market is our go-to place for templates for our social media, freebies, presentations. Make sure that the templates or graphics you’re buying are compatible with Canva, get a CanvaPro subscription and you’re saving yourself quite a bucket of money 😎


Royalty-free pictures

Need some great stock photos, that won’t make you look like you’ve run straight out of the early 2000s? Gotya! 😉 Check out my favorite unsplash, pexels or pixabay.


Our go-to place to buy cheap domains. The best prices in town, if you ask any of us. And exceptionally easy to connect both with Squarespace and ConvertKit 👌


Survey Monkey

THE BEST tool to audit your audience, ask about their opinion, get their help and stop throwing spaghetti on the wall! The free version has it’s limitations, but for very basic customer surveys it should do the trick.


Organization & Productivity


The absolute best tool to organize your business and your life. Couldn’t live without it, using it every day, seeing exponential growth and progress in many areas of our lives!

It’s like Trello and your paper planner combined and on steroids. And much beyond that!

Though we must admit, it takes a short while to wrap your head around it - that’s why we strongly suggest going through the Uplevel with Asana course.

Uplevel with Asana

The absolute best course on the absolute best online management tool! It will change your life, cross my heart 🥰 You’ll get instructions not only on how to use this tool, but also amazing templates to use in your own life or business!

If you use our link you will get $100 off if you purchase in the first 24 hours. CLICK HERE



One of those tools you didn’t know you needed until you get them. It is a “desktop app for streamlining your accounts, apps, and workflows”.

It’s like Outlook on steroids. And much beyond that!

This basically means, that you can have your email and all of your favorite apps open in one simple, minimally designed app. It is truly life-changing, together with Asana they will make you unstoppable! 💪


Our founder uses it daily to create and store safe passwords for both her business and life. One password to remember, security everywhere you go. Yas! An absolutely worthwhile investment 🥰