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Wellbeing 101: How to Stay Happy, Healthy and Positive During these Uncertain Times We Are All Living and Working In
Other Karolina Musielak Other Karolina Musielak

Wellbeing 101: How to Stay Happy, Healthy and Positive During these Uncertain Times We Are All Living and Working In

Back in 2019, Silke and Claire (founders of Eduease4Schools - providing educational, emotional & physical support for teachers, parents & children) realised there was a need for pupils, parents and staff’s mental health and wellbeing to be cared for. Over the following two years, they have adapted their ways of helping these people, from being face to face to, just like you, having to go ‘virtual’. Here they’ll share their stories and advice for you as school owners, to maintain your own wellbeing and happiness in what has been a turbulent and uneasy 18 months.

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