Welcome to the revolution in marketing for language schools

We’re a marketing agency created specifically to help language schools. We think strategically. We act creatively. We understand the business reality. And we’re great to work with 😎

We turn great language schools into amazing brands by day and fight the marketing misinformation by night 💪

We’re a young agency offering marketing services for small and medium language schools all over the globe.

Check out how we can help you out today:

Here’s how we work:


TOGETHER we decide on the best possible course of action for your school (obviously – we know what we’re doing considered marketing but YOU know your school and your needs best!)


Our framework takes all of the marketing basics needed by every business and chops them up into smaller, more manageable projects. Each of those smaller projects gives you an immediate win and allows you to use your marketing resources more strategically!


We work on your strategic marketing – we make plans that help you long term. You’ll be using the documents and plans we’ll create for years!

When we’re done – YOU have all the tools and basic knowledge you need to do your marketing on your own!

Once we close each project - you can choose to use our services if you want to and if your budget allows. But – after each and every project together – you can pause or stop working with us and reap the benefits of the work we’ve done so far!

 We are your partners, not your saviors.

We turn YOU into your own marketing superhero! 😎

Download our pricing guide here:

Who are we, might you ask?

ELC is the first-ever branding and marketing agency specializing exclusively in language schools. We are a global, remote team of expats and experts in the areas of branding and marketing.

We know what your clients want. We are your clients 💪

Our Founder, Karolina Musielak, has over 10 years of professional experience, and hours of training in marketing and PR. Here are some of her numbers:

  • 7000+ hours as a trainer and consultant

  • consulted over 100 events, dozens of marketing strategies, and business plans

  • managed 100+ events of various scopes & budgets

  • created more social media campaigns and promotional events (both real-life & online) than one could count

  • written hundreds of publications, both online and in traditional media

  • managed a circus for a week 🤷‍♀️

Get in touch

 Do you feel like your school could use some marketing superheroes?

Frequently asked questions

Can I start using your services immediately?

In most cases yes, however, there might be some waiting time in our exceptionally busy seasons. Please choose the service you’d like to use from our offer and send us an application form. We’ll get back to you in no time 🥰

Not sure what you need, but you know you need US? Schedule a free discovery call and let’s discuss whether we’re a match - click here.

Do you do paid advertising/ social media management/ community management?

No. It is our strong belief, that your daily social media management should be done by someone who is a part of your school (like one of the teachers, support staff members, or students). We also strongly believe that jumping straight into paid advertising is not a good use of money for most small and medium schools. And in the cases where it is – we do not take on tasks where we cannot ensure your solid results (and we cannot promise you any solid results from paid advertising, there are too many variables). We can provide your chosen person with proper training and advice, check out our consultation packages for more details.

What does the process look like? Where do we meet to discuss the projects or for you to deliver the results?

All the work we provide is digital - we meet on Skype or Zoom, we deliver all the materials virtually, via email, or file-sharing services. No need to buy your plane tickets or find that parking spot. Unless you want to meet face-to-face: in that case feel more than invited. Rotterdam is absolutely GORGEOUS in spring 😉🥰