Expat Language Consulting - business, marketing, and brand strategy

Hello 😊 Would you like to interview me?

Well - first of all, let me just say, that I’m utterly honored and grateful that you think I might make an interesting guest at your show 🥰

Please fill out the form and a member of my team will get back to you within 7 days if we think it’s a good fit.

(excluding weekends, we try not to work on weekends. And neither should you! 💚)

If we’ll decide that we’re not a good fit - no hard feelings, ok? I’m all about that time efficiency and the last thing I’d like to do is wasting a single minute of our days. Deal? 🥂

A picture of Karolina Musielak - I do marketing, brand and business strategy for expat language schools so that they can scale their business and deliver their best services with ease. I run the first ever creative agency for expat language schools.