Want to know EXACTLY how to create a strong online presence for your language school?

When you enter your name and email, you'll get access to all of our free guides and trackers:


✔ A simple 4-step proven formula to lead you from chaos to clarity in your online marketing.

✔ Professional Instagram Insights tracker to help you track important progress on monthly basis.

✔ Weekly social media management plan - no more doubts and thinking "I should go to my social media and do something".

✔ Marketing to-do lists that will guide and simplify your actions for the following two weeks.

✔ A decision tree on which holidays you should (not) include in your marketing strategy.


By following the guidelines in one or all of our FREE resources you’ll be able to:

  • Lay strong foundations for your future growth

  • Free yourself from the constant pursuit of the latest marketing trends and gimmicks

  • Organize the online image of your school and make it irresistible to your dream students.

All the solutions presented in this publication are tailored SPECIFICALLY for language schools for expats. Not the generic stuff you find all over the Internet, but the knowledge of over 10 years of experience, learning, trial and error packaged for you with a nice bow on top.


Grab your free guide here!

Learning how to do all the marketing and social media is hard and can seem impossible. That's where we come in!

With our free marketing resources, you'll never have to worry about starting out. Our guides are the perfect place for a beginner to start!


Who are we?

ELC is the first-ever branding and marketing agency specializing exclusively in language schools. We are a global, remote team of experts in areas of branding and marketing.

We know what your clients want. We are your clients 💪

Our Founder, Karolina Musielak, has over 10 years of professional experience, and hours of training in marketing and PR. Here are some of her numbers:

  • 7000+ hours as a trainer and consultant

  • consulted over 100 events, dozens of marketing strategies, and business plans

  • managed 100+ events of various scopes & budgets

  • created more social media campaigns and promotional events (both real-life & online) than one could count

  • written hundreds of publications, both online and in traditional media

  • managed a circus for a week 🤷‍♀️


Don’t sit this one out - download your free guides and start working on the future of your school today!